Evan Bolla Quoted in Best Lawyers 'All Rise' Newsletter Article on Metallica COVID Insurance Suit

June 22, 2021

Partner Evan Bolla was quoted recently in the weekly “All Rise” newsletter from Best Lawyers. The article discussed a lawsuit brought by the band Metallica against its insurance carrier, Lloyds of London. The suit seeks unspecified damages against their insurer for alleged breach of contract because Lloyds denied the band coverage for a series of shows canceled due to COVID-19.

In the article, Bolla noted that whether Metallica succeeds will depend on how a court reads its claim, but that “such exclusions are read narrowly in favor of the insured.”

Bolla also said that even if Metallica is successful, that would not necessarily mean other bands — and businesses — could win similar litigation.

“The reality is that the majority of filed COVID-19 insurance claims since last year have been dismissed or found in favor of the insurers,” Bolla said. “Just to bring a suit, the numbers need to work for the claimant — the size of the loss, deductible and liability limit are all key. For smaller bands, the numbers may not allow them to fight the uphill battle these COVID-19 claims have become.” 

The full article is available here.